A guide for parents to find the right tuition for their child.

Why are individual learning plans so valuable for effectively teaching kids? Why doesn’t one-size fit all? It’s a good question, particularly given that it’s time of the year again: parents are looking for tuition options for their child’s selective entry preparation.

Year 7 students who are six months away from the examination are feeling the pressure to prove themselves, and their parents understand their child’s potential.

They know their child can do better. But they are struggling to understand how.

There are so many tuition centres in the market, every single one of them are promising engaging workshops, practice questions and successful outcomes.

So, why not go ahead with these?

Simply, because they are not interested in getting to know what your child needs.

Tuition centres want your child to fit in their current programs.

They do not want to build a teaching methodology that addresses your child’s needs, because it’s easier for them to assume that their standardised program will do well enough for most students. But near enough isn’t good enough.

Educational research clearly shows that individual learning plans are more effective than traditional classroom learning.

Individual learning plans are appropriate for every student.

It is a myth that individual learning plans are used to engage difficult or average students. They give every learner an equal starting point.

In fact, individual learning plans are tailored to a student’s high and weak performing areas. They list out a student’s goals and a clear plan of action.

It is as simple as it can get. Not every student’s needs are the same; why should their learning strategy be?

So, where do you go from here?

You need to help your child step out of the rat race.

You start them in tuition thinking they will get a student-centric learning environment, different from school.

Stick to it!

Your next step is to evaluate where your child is currently at.

Just like a doctor needs to diagnose the problem before prescribing a medicine, a student needs to do a test before making their individual learning plan.

At Integral, we use an evidence-based method – our High Impact Learning Process – to ensure students get the best chance at passing the selective entry exam.

The first step of this process is to take a diagnostic test that analyses the student’s performance across all sections of the examination. This allows us to tailor an individual learning plan for your child, giving your child a clear plan of action to follow in their exam preparation.

It’s easy – you can buy learning materials and get your child to learn from the best tutors in the industry and still worry over the uncertainty of getting an offer. Or understand what you need and make a plan of action based on a proven system of creating repeatable results.

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