When it comes to our children’s education, we all want to make sure they have the best opportunities to succeed. One way to ensure that they have the best chance at passing the selective entry exam, getting into your dream school, and receiving the best education possible is by hiring an expert tutor. As parents, it can be hard to let go of the reins and trust that someone else is teaching our children the concepts they need to know – however, by ensuring that your child’s tutor is an expert in their field, you can free up valuable time to spend with your child in other ways.

Benefits beyond academia

Hiring a tutor means that you don’t have to spend hours each week teaching your child maths, reading comprehension, verbal reasoning or any other subject. Instead, the tutor will skilfully take your child through the concepts they need to know. This can be especially helpful for parents who are time-poor or who may not be as confident in their own ability to teach certain areas – especially in finding the best approach to combine concepts in the way the selective entry examiners expect.

Not only does this free up time for other activities, but it also allows you to have more quality time with your child. Instead of spending hours each week teaching them, you can use that time to do things like go on outings, play games, or just spend time talking. This can strengthen your relationship with your child, making it easier to communicate with them and understand their needs.

Tailoring learning to your child’s needs

It’s also important to note that having a tutor can also be beneficial for children. Tutors can provide a different perspective on a subject and can help children learn in a way that is tailored to their individual needs. They can also provide children with extra support and motivation, particularly as the exam date looms and children begin to feel anxious and nervous about the pressure. Children can do with all the help they can get!

Ensuring your tutor is an expert

Anyone can call themselves a tutor. Unfortunately, this means that many tutoring organisations employ a one-size-fits-all approach that means student don’t get the full benefits of tailored tutoring, and many employ tutors that don’t have the skills or expertise that allow them to understand the nuances of the selective entry system.

The best way to ensure your tutor is an expert is to see their results. At Integral, more than 80% of our students receive an offer after taking the selective entry exam! Our tutors are experts in their individual subjects, and our small group size means that your child will always have the opportunity for decent on-on-one time and a tailored curriculum.

Hiring a tutor can be a great way to ensure that your child is receiving the best education possible. By trusting that your child’s tutor is an expert in their field, you can free up valuable time to spend with your child in other ways. Additionally, having a tutor can provide children with extra support, motivation, and a different perspective on a subject. If you’re interested in selective entry tutoring, reach out to us and organise your free diagnostic test and feedback session. We’d love to help you and your child with your selective entry preparation.

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