Understand the value behind studying at a high-performing school.

I meet students and parents everyday who have heard about the merits of getting a selective entry education but aren’t too sure about this unique schooling system or what makes them so powerful.

Knowing the benefits of a select entry education can open unique pathways for your child’s future. 

What are the selective entry schools?

Selective schools are run by the Victorian government for students who are more academically inclined than a normal school can cater for. 

The four schools in the selective entry network are Melbourne High School, Mac.Robertson Girls’ School, Nossal High School, and Suzanne Cory High School.

These schools foster an independent learning environment that enables students to build their future academically and holistically. 

Just like top universities, these schools provide a high level of education and meaningful opportunities at a fraction of the cost of a private school.

To enter a selective school, it is required for the student to complete a test – the selective entry exam – and get good results. 

If you’re considering selective education for your child, you should think about the following factors:

  1. Selective schools are known for bringing the best minds of the state together. If your child finds their current coursework easy and is looking for their next big challenge, then this would be the right fit for them.
  1. They offer great opportunities for extracurricular activities and leadership growth outside of academics.
  1. Students at selective schools are often drawn to lucrative careers in areas such as law, commerce, medicine, and STEM as a result of their education.

What’s next?

Understanding the merit behind getting a selective education in more detail can be just the step you need. I recommend watching this highly informative webinar by Integral’s co-founders, Walter Sit Woon and myself, as we debunk myths about the top education in the state

If you are already motivated to get into a selective school, the key to kick-starting your preparation is understanding the examination structure. Find out everything you need to know about the exams here.

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