Want to achieve more?
Everything you need to know about accelerating your learning – be it scholarships or selective entry education!
Working with our community of over three thousand parents and successful students, we have developed informative webinars to help you in our select entry partner selection process. In these webinars, we have outlined the fundamentals of entry examination requirements and the type of preparation that is required and specific to each child’s learning needs to be successful in the selective entry examination. You will find the webinars informative and educational.
An introduction to selective entry
In this webinar, Walter Sit Woon and Chris Chau, Founders of Integral Education discuss the merit behind getting a selective entry education.
Learn about:
- Victorian Selective Entry Schools
- Differences between Selective Entry, SEAL, and Scholarship Programs
- Debunk key myths about getting a selective entry education
- Starting your exam preparation
Understanding the exam structure
In this webinar, Walter and Chris discuss what you and your child can do to prepare for the selective entry examination, and ultimately attain a spot at one of the selective entry high schools: Melbourne High, Mac.Robertson Girls’ School, Suzanne Cory, and Nossal High.
We’ll explore:
- A comprehensive understanding of the exams
- Factors to consider for your preparation
- Exam strategies to improve your performance