We help you achieve your dream education

High-Impact Learning - The Secret Behind Our Student Success

We identify and target your zone of proximal development, the area of mastery just above your current level of competence. Using years of pedagogical research and experience, our founder, Chris Chau, has created the most effective way of approaching this zone, called the High Impact Learning Process.

We grow the whole student

We help students grow holistically,— academically, habitually, and in confidence We give you the skills to succeed in life beyond the selective entry exam

Bring on the challenge

We want everyone to be the best version of themselves – go-getters with no upper bounds.

Evidence-based systems & processes

We implement the foremost research-based proven pedagogical systems to ensure the best outcomes for you.

Curated learning

We offer the right resources for your exam preparation. Traditional rote memorisation does not lead to the solid understanding of underlying concepts that are core to the selective entry exam. Instead, we emphasise, we emphasise on building a learning experience that makes it easier for you to grasp content.


We don’t sell high-ticket courses that aim to make a profit. We diagnose and solve problems within the education domain as experts. Our world-class solutions are up to the challenge and bear results.