You’ve probably heard the phrase “The early bird gets the worm”. But what does this mean for your child and their schooling & education? When should you start your preparation for the selective entry and SEAL exams?

If you sit in the 90% of parents who want their kids to do VCE, get into a great school, and feel confident in learning, then chances are that you’ve probably also thought about Scholarship & Selective Entry. 

You’re definitely not alone. These are competitive, great opportunities that set children to be on a boosted path to success.  

In saying that, I often get asked, “When should I start preparing for my child’s exams?”

I started preparing from year 5, I understood the process early, I knew exactly what I wanted to achieve, and I worked every week to hit those goals. It meant that I was doing mock exams and honing my skills and sharpening my blade while my peers were learning the content. I could almost have taught it to them myself. And with some exam taking skills, the practice paid off. 

On the other hand, I’ve also trained students who only became aware of the exams 12 months and even 6 months out. Was it the same journey as mine? Not at all. Do they all make it in…?

If you’re starting late, you’re running the last leg of a sprint relay a second behind the lead, and you’re surrounded by Usain Bolts.

This isn’t to say it’s not possible. As a student, you have to see the goal, you have to be willing to study and work like never before to make up that gap, and you’ve got to get the right support who can help nitro-boost that process. When I asked my students who did 6 months of training, they told me it was the most strenuous, pushing experience they’ve ever had in their life. In the end, they stuck their head out and skimmed a spot.  

Here’s what you might not hear: every student I talk to who begins the process tells me that if they had an additional 6 months to get ahead of school, to start seeing the goal, or to start preparing for their exams have said that they would snatch it out of my hands in a blink of an eye. 

Be the early bird.

My name is Walter, and my journey started back in primary school, having studied for each and every SEAL, Scholarship and Selective Entry Test you can think of. I ended up at Melbourne High, and since then, I’ve made it my mission to empower students in this very position to take control of their learning, and achieve their every goal and dream, from getting ahead in class to getting 5 Superiors in the Exam.

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